Micro Ace News

Oversized cargo relaunch  by Micro Ace

[Actual vehicle]
-Transformers used in substations and power plants are extremely heavy and large cargo, and large vehicles (Shiki) were created to transport them.
-There used to be various formats, but the Shiki 800 format made it possible to replace other types of heavy vehicles with a structure that allows you to replace the receiving beam and change the side width of the beam.
-The maximum speed is 75km/h when empty, 45km/h when loaded, and the maximum load is 160t (when using B2 beams). Three cars (cars 800, 801, and 810) were manufactured from 1973 to 1996. it was done.
-Shiki No. 801 was manufactured in 1974 and has been in use at Oyama Station since 1985.
●It has a ``hanging type'' B1 beam and B2 beam, and by using a C-shaped intermediate beam as a cargo component, it has a structure that can also handle ``drop-in type'' cargo.
-In 2008, parts of Shiki No. 810 car, which was scrapped, were combined and the air brakes and running equipment were improved.
●Also, a new group brand “NX” was introduced in 2022, and the design of the company crest display was changed in 2023.

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