GREENMAX News 2022

GREENMAX is also newly released. The schedule is around September-November. This Kansai is still Hankyu 6000 series. It's a memory for me. The name of the color is Maroon. It was said that the color was changed temporarily, but there was an opposition movement, and now it is Hankyu color.

Reservations for Kintetsu EXPRESS have also started. From Osaka to the Kii Peninsula. A nice express in the tourist area. For the Meitetsu 2200 series, EVA color was also released temporarily, but this time it is EXPRESS color. It is the face of Nagoya.

The Yagan Railway, which runs in the direction of Kinugawa, will also be on sale as a tourist destination. The train that runs through the autumn leaves is wonderful. It's famous for the area where you take pictures.

The final release date is May 31st.

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